Category: Documentaries

  • Little Doctor: filmed in Xichang, Sichuan

    Little Doctor: filmed in Xichang, Sichuan

    The video captures the materials I shot during my week-long filming in Xichang and has been edited into an initial version of a documentary. Throughout this period, I lived together with local doctors and collaborated with colleagues from the team to document every action and moment of the protagonist, Li Aodong. This is the result…

  • Becoming Attraction: Stories about The House of Cai

    Becoming Attraction: Stories about The House of Cai

    Becoming Attraction sees art and architecture at the House of Cai as a lens for exploring the tale of a community in shambles—by the force of modernity, economically or culturally—and reimagines its future. By weaving together animated stories centered around architectural art, Becoming Attraction introduces audiences to a small, ocean-side community of 100 villagers in…