
Xi Tony Bao

Male (he/him/his)
Born in Beijing, 2005

Confused bloke
Love interesting things and people

In fact I believe I am Introverted.

In fact “HugKnee” was a nickname invented by my friends, and I loved using it.

Why the name “HugKnee”?

Well, here is my Chinese name written:


  • “鲍” (Bào) sounds same to “抱”, which means “hug” in English.
  • “熙” (Xī) is a homophone for “膝” (xī), which means “knee” in English.

When combined, “HugKnee” is created.

Some Fun Facts

  • Close friends call me “Skinny Dog” because I’m too skinny.
  • Sleeping seems good for my health. I love sleeping.
  • Very keen to own a cat or dog, but limited by spatial issues.
  • I am Procrastinator the Great.
  • Been fiddling with music for many years. Want to be a more sporty person.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday,
Friday, Sunday, Saturday.

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To see the world, things dangerous to come to,
to see behind walls, to draw closer,
to find each other and to feel.